M. David Green

Existence is a byproduct of semantics

HDR Photography

I’m really enjoying the HDR setting in my iPhone 4. It’s a little like having a polarizer permanently attached to my camera. I always appreciated the effect a polarizer could add to an image, enhancing the highlights without clogging up the shadows. But I tended not to use them much because I found them too fiddly, and they darkened my images too much for comfort. Now it’s as easy a clicking a toggle button on the screen, and it doesn’t introduce neutral density issues with the shutter speed–or does it?

One amusing aspect of HDR images in the iPhone is he potential for fringing when the subject (or the camera) moves a little during the shot. You end up with ghosts of the under- and over-exposed versions of the image.

But if you have a steady hand and a static subject, it’s a great tool to add to the kit.